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    Apple launches seventh Safari Tech Preview beta

    Click:1278   2016-06-25
    As it has done each fortnight, Apple on Wednesday updated its developer-intended Safari Technology Preview, which is an alternative version of the present Safari desktop browser for OS X that offers some advanced -- but still buggy -- JavaScript, CSS, and HTML5 technology that will be incorporated into future versions. The new version, the seventh beta, includes another lengthy list of JavaScript/ECMAScript improvements and support for next-version draft specifications, along with improvements to CSS, Web APIs, the Web Inspector, media handling, and rendering, along with many bug fixes.
    Among the notable changes and fixes: a bug involving date-setting for years outside of the range of 1900-2100 has been resolved, the performance of Encode operations in JavaScript has been improved, experimental support for spring()-based CSS animations was added, a number of issues with Web Workers in the Web APIs have been fixed, the command-t combo to open a new tab was brought to the Web Inspector, the performance of HTMLMediaElement.prototype was improved, and flickering and rendering artifacts when resizing the web view were prevented, among many other fixes.
    Although the software is still in development, has numerous known flaws, and is intended for developers, Safari Technology Preview beta 7 is available for public testing directly from Apple's website. It can be tested alongside the current stable release of Safari and other web browsers (though users have the option to make STP the default browser if they wish).
     Also, the power consumption of new software will be bigger than before or not? We do not know. Many people from internet complain, when they update to new software, the lithium
    polymer battery power will be used out faster than before. We expect this time, Apple company will improve this point.